
Become a Kentucky YMCA Volunteer!

Current Volunteer Opportunities

We are currently recruiting volunteers for Leadership Training Conference (LTC)!


Thank you for your interest in volunteering with the Kentucky YMCA Youth Association! Volunteers are at the heart of what we do here at the Y; you make our programs possible. Volunteers fill vital roles at our programs and leave lasting impacts on our students and staff. Whether you are an alum of our programs, an experienced volunteer, or totally new to our organization, we are so excited to have you on our team.

The Y offers a wide variety of youth and government, leadership development, advocacy, and service learning programs. Likewise, we offer an exciting, equally diverse array of volunteer opportunities! Please feel free to explore the list of programs to the left to see what kinds of programs might best fit your interests.

For any questions regarding volunteers, please reach out to Emilee McCubbins at emilee@kyymca.org.

Start the NEW (yet temporary) Volunteer Registration Process

We are currently in the process of updating our software. The new system should go live in spring 2025.  In the meantime, in order to improve the security of our current system, we have added Log In process.  (THAT MEANS YOUR OLD VOLUNTEER PASSWORD NO LONGER WORKS).

We apologize for the inconvenience this new process may cause, but in addition to better security, it also helps to ensure you do not have duplicate accounts in our system and all of our data is accurate.


Find the Forms Log In link at the top of our website.  Or, just click the link here.

  • Leave the Username, password and email fields blank
  • For the last question select REGISTER
  • Click Submit


You will now be taken to the "Are you in the KY YMCA System?" form.

  • If you participated in past KY YMCA programs
    • Click yes you participated
    • Click no you are not a student
    • Type in your first name, last name and the email you believe you used last time you participated.
    • Click submit
    • If you get an error, pleae email aly@kyymca.org.  This means there is a glitch in our system and she needs to fix it before you can continue.
  • If you HAVE NOT participated in past KY YMCA programs
    • Click no
    • fill in your first name, last name an email
    • The system will still search for you, if you finds you contact aly@kyymca.org
    • if it doesn't proceed with setting up your username, password, and security question/answer


Log back into the system with your new username and password along with your email. this will take you to the form "Please choose what you would like to do"

  • Select VOLUNTEER: Fill out a form
  • Select Volunteer Interest form


Log back in to complete any form for a specific volunteer opportunity.

We promise this process will be easier in the future.  Thank you for your patience as we work to clean up our data and prepare to move to the much more user friendly software system in the spring of 2025.

If you have any issues during any part of this process, please contact aly@kyymca.org. She will do her best to get back with you within the next business day.

All Program Volunteer Opportunities

What Our Volunteers Have to Say ...

“I volunteer for the Y because they focus on being student lead. They encourage students to be as involved, in any program, as much as they want within their comfort zones."

 - Hannah “HP” Price, Volunteer

"I volunteer with the Y to give back to the programs I loved as a teen. The Y gave me the opportunity to meet people I never would have otherwise, and gave me a place to find my voice. Now, I want to help make that space for today’s youth. "

- April "AJ" Winebarger, Volunteer

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