International Court of Justice

International Court of Justice Overview

HS | Experienced Delegates | Grades 10-12
1 team of up to 3 students per school

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is one of the principal bodies of the UN. It mediates disputes between UN member states (countries), and provides advice to the General Assembly on issues relating to international law. There are a limited number of spaces for ICJ teams at each KUNA, reserved on a first-come, first-served basis when schools submit their KUNA Intent Form. Schools that successfully reserve a team will be requested to confirm their participation and any wish to no longer participate must be communicated at minimum 30 days prior to the assembly.

The ICJ does not put individuals on trial; only member states of the UN may participate in the proceedings of the court. States may present cases on behalf of other entities (e.g. companies or groups of people within their own jurisdictions).

The ICJ hears two kinds of cases:

  • Contentious Cases: Cases in which two or more states are in disagreement about a point of International Law or treaty requirements. The ICJ may exercise its jurisdiction in such cases only if both states agree to such jurisdiction, or if the provisions of the treaty in question include a clause granting the ICJ jurisdiction in case of conflict.
  • Advisory Cases: The General Assembly, and other bodies of the United Nations, may request Advisory Opinions from the Court in order to clarify a point of International Law or procedure. Such cases are not directed at specific states, although the decision of the court theoretically applies to all states within the United Nations.

ICJ teams will be assigned one side of either an Advisory Case or a Contentious Case. Each team will present between 2-3 rounds of oral arguments based on the case they are assigned. ICJ Presidents & Justices will hear the oral arguments and score each team.

For more information, be sure to check out the KUNA Resources Page.

2025 Case Materials

Delegate Roles

A comprehensive Role Guide is available for each of the following delegate roles and officer positions on the KUNA Resources page

Delegate Roles

All ICJ delegates serve as Advocates in teams of up to 3. Each ICJ team will be assigned (1 month prior to KUNA) the applicant or respondent position for either the Advisory or Contentious Case. Your team will have 15 minutes to present your side of your assigned case. If you are serving as the Applicant, you will be able to reserve up to 5 minutes of that time for a rebuttal (closing argument).

Supporting Officers

Members of the Court (4)
Application | Open to Experienced Delegates (Gr. 10-12)

  • Must attend Supporting Officer Training prior to KUNA
  • Must review and understand their assigned case in addition to preparing lines of questioning for the applicants and respondents on the case.
  • Judges will act as leaders for the ICJ, helping lead scoring and asking questions of the advocates that pertain to the case.
  • 2 Judges will hear Advisory Cases with one ICJ President, and 2 will hear Contentious Cases with the other ICJ President

Presiding Officers

Delegations must intent and register for the conference of which their Presiding Officer is elected/appointed.

ICJ Presidents (2)
Chosen by ICJ | Must be a Student Y Member

The ICJ is presided over by the ICJ Presidents. Each President will be assigned one of the cases, and will preside over hearings with those delegates serving as Justices for that case. The Presidents will be help organize and facilitate the Deliberations following each hearing.

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