Candidates & Campaigns

KYA - Candidates & Campaigns

Any questions concerning candidates and campaigns should be directed towards Nicole Hankins at

At the Kentucky Youth Assembly (KYA), an exciting part of the conference experience is student elections. KYA Candidates complete service projects, study and advocate for three chosen platforms, and create campaign materials in preparation to compete at the conference for a position as a Presiding Officer at KYA.

To check the status of your Candidate’s requirements, check the Candidate Database. Things to do prior to coming to your conference:

  • Candidates will be added as they complete their Candidate Declaration Form.
  • Candidates will need to complete their KYA Virtual Candidate/PO Commitment Form that entails all the commitments they have will have if elected as a Presiding Officer.
  • Candidates must also complete one service project with their Student Y Chapter and record their project in MobileServe prior to their conference. Code for the 2024 KYA Candidates MobileServe is 3756C0.

All members of a school's delegation must be Student Y members in order to run a candidate. Students can pay and register themselves as Student Y Members by clicking here to login and registering for Student Y Membership individually, or advisors can collect payment and affiliate each student via the Advisor Portal. Delegations develop their own process to determine who they select as their Candidates.

Candidates do not run for specific positions. All candidates are running for KYA Presiding Officer and should refer to themselves as such.

High School Student YMCAs can have two Presiding Officer Candidates:

  • (1) 11th Grade Commonwealth Candidate
    Positions by Election Results:

    • Governor
    • Speaker of the Commonwealth House
    • President of the Commonwealth Senate
    • Secretary of State
  • (1) 9th Grade Bluegrass Candidate
    Positions by Election Results:

    • Lt. Governor
    • Speaker of the Bluegrass House
    • President of the Bluegrass Senate

Middle School Student YMCAs can have one* Presiding Officer Candidate:

  • (1) 7th Grade Candidate*
    Positions by Election Results:

    • Governor
    • Lt. Governor
    • Speaker of the Commonwealth House
    • President of the Commonwealth Senate
    • For KYA 2024 schools will be allowed to have one 8th Grade Candidate and one 7th Grade Candidate   
    • *See "Middle School Candidate Changes 2024-2025" for more details

KYA 2023 will see our first year of electing 7th grade students to serve as Presiding Officers in their 8th grade year. In order to not take away leadership opportunities for our 8th grade students, we will also be electing 8th grade students at KYA 2023. After KYA 2023, only 7th grade candidates will be allowed to run for Presiding Officer at Middle School KYA. A summary of the KYA 2023 election process is summarized below:

  • 7th and 8th grade candidates will run in separate elections at KYA 2023. These elections are not associated with one another and will not influence one another.
  • There is no longer an official pre-conference attendance requirement for either grade level. Advisors are encouraged to choose students who will be good representations of their school and good stewards of the Kentucky YMCA Youth Association.
  • Each school is permitted to have a 7th grade candidate and an 8th grade candidate.
  • Every student will vote in the Primary (if we have enough candidates to require a Primary Election) and General Elections for 7th grade candidates and 8th grade candidates.
  • KYA 2024 Presiding Officers will share the responsibilities of the offices that they hold (i.e. Both Governors for KYA MS 1 will meet with bill sponsors, give speeches, etc.).

None of the changes outlined above will impact High School candidacy in any way. There are no plans for adjusting the requirements or procedure for High School Presiding Officer elections.

2024 MS elections now only allow 7th graders to run for a Presiding Officer position. 


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