KUNA - Candidates & Campaigns

Presiding Officer Candidates

Any questions concerning candidates and campaigns should be directed toward Emilee McCubbins at emilee@kyymca.org


At the Kentucky United Nations Assembly (KUNA), an exciting part of the conference experience is student elections. KUNA Candidates complete service projects, study and advocate for three chosen platforms, and create campaign materials in preparation to compete at the conference for a position as a Presiding Officer at KUNA.

To check the status of your Candidate’s requirements, check the Candidate Database. Candidates will be added as they complete their Candidate Declaration Form.

School delegations must be all Student YMCA members in order to run a candidate. Students can pay and register themselves as Student Y Members here, or advisors can collect payment and affiliate each student via the Advisor Portal. Delegations develop their own process to determine who they select as their Candidates.

Candidates do not run for specific positions. All candidates are running for KUNA Presiding Officer and should refer to themselves as such. Candidates could receive the office of Secretary General, President of the UN General Assembly, or Director General of the UN Educational, Scientific, & Cultural Organization (HS only).

Frequently Asked Questions

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