International Stage Performances
During the first evening of the Kentucky United Nations Assembly, students have the opportunity to educate the rest of the conference on something that is unique to the country they are representing or that reflects the culture of that country in a meaningful way.
Delegations at KUNA who choose to do so should take care to ensure participating students understand that their performances are both a teaching tool and a resource for collaborative learning. Because this is the primary goal, it is particularly important that participants do research about their chosen performance piece and have gone to great lengths to understand respectful representations.
All performances should aim to inform and educate, bringing to light relevant cultural themes, resources, and/or current/historical issues of the nation.
International Stage Timeline
- Applications are due February 10, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. EST.
- A video submission showing a rough draft of 20 seconds of the performance must be submitted by February 17th, 2025 for your application to be considered complete.
- Schools will be notified Friday, February 21, 2025 if they have an International Stage Spot.
Representing Countries Overview
International Stage Guidelines
- Each performance gets two minutes per country.
- Live animals are NOT allowed during performances.
- Acrobatics, flips, and gymnastic stunts are NOT ALLOWED during performance due to safety concerns. This means that at no time should a performer’s legs go over their head, or be lifted over over someone’s head by another performer. This includes performers getting on one another’s shoulders or backs. If you think your performance might violate these rules, please reach out to to strategize how to make your performance safer.
International Stage Process
7This year spots for International Stage performances will be application-based and reviewed by a panel of external experts from the World Affairs Council of Kentucky and Southern Indiana (WAC). International Stage spots are earned solely on an application basis. The WAC will ensure that all selected acts hold educational value, are culturally relevant, demonstrate evidence of research, and are creative and original.
- Applications are now open
- International Stage Application Link
- Contains questions regarding educational value, research (including sources), cultural relevance, audio needs, and a performance statement.
- International Stage Application Link
- Application closes: February 10, 2025 at 11:59 p.m.
- Video Submission DUE: February 17, 2025
- Video Submission Link
- 20-30 seconds in length
- "Rough Draft" of your performance
- Show enough for us to be able to understand the written description provided in your application
- Video Submission Link
- Review by WAC and KY YMCA
- Applications are reviewed and judged on the International Stage Rubric
- Notification of accepted performances will occur on February 21, 2025
Looking for inspiration? Check out past International Stage Performances below: