World Expo

World Expo is an opportunity students have to educate KUNA participates about the country(ies) they represent! Each country has the option to have a visual display presented on the first night of their conference. During this time, participates will walk through all the displays, learning about the countries represented at the conference and celebrating the displays students have put together!

To ensure the equity of displays for World Expo, the KYYMCA has implemented guidelines students must adhere to in order to have a display at KUNA.


  • While participating in World Expo students and country displays should remain respectful at all times. Country displays should be historically and currently accurate without cultural appropriation or "making fun" of any aspect of country representation. Country displays with inappropriate depictions of countries may be required to remove part or all of their country display and/or be removed from receiving awards at the discretion of Y-Staff. If there is a question in regards to a World Expo display item please reach out to Y-Staff prior to conference.
  • Each table will have a completed information sheet (World Expo Fact Sheet) about their country. An acrylic sign holder will be provided for the info sheet at each table.
  • Each country display will get one table and can have a collective visual representation of their country (ie. map, artwork, artifact). Any visual representation must be able to fit on the table, free-standing, and must not exceed 4ft in height from the table-top nor should it exceed the 6ft length and 1ft width of the table. A country's flag may hang over the front of your table. Anything other than the flag or outside of these measurements will disqualify that table from awards.
  • At least one student representative must always be present at each country table during World Expo times as specified on the agenda.
  • World Expo items should be removed from tables at the listed agenda time. Failure to remove items will result in loss of Premiere Delegation and affect awards. To fully break down your World Expo display, students must bring the acrylic sign to the Y-Desk.
  • Advisors must indicate on registration how many World Expo displays they intend to bring so that an accurate number of tables can be provided.


  • No handouts of any kind are permitted.
  • No live animals are permitted.
  • No cables, cords, outlets, etc. can be used.
  • No physical items including tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs.
  • No actual food items are permitted to be distributed or even displayed; "fake" food items (plastic, wood, etc.) can be used to represent a country's products.

If you have any questions about World Expo, please reach out to Jim Recktenwald at

Representing Countries Overview

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