Kentucky United Nations Assembly (KUNA)

KUNA Overview

The Kentucky United Nations Assembly (KUNA) is a 3-day, experiential-learning conference in which students participate directly in simulated international diplomacy. KUNA offers students the opportunity to experience the richness of cultures from around the world, develop empathy, and hone their critical thinking skills while engaging with a wide variety of perspectives and global issues.

Don't have access to the Advisor Portal? Reach out to your Director of Program Outreach.  

Click the link to check out our step by step KUNA Intent Guide.

Before requesting countries in your intent, please check out our list of available countries per conference: MS Reserved Countries List and HS Reserved Countries List.

Disclaimer:  Special programs like chairperson and doorkeeper roles have limited availability and are not guaranteed. Priority will be given to those who register earlier when needed.

Conference Dates and Deadlines

** Please note, ACT testing may take place during the KUNA conference season.

2025 KUNA Conference Fees

$285 for Student Y Members in rooms of 4-5 | $295 for Non-Members in rooms of 4-5

For student rooms of 3 or less, an additional fee of $139 will automatically be added to your invoice. 

$155 for Advisors with Shared Room | $255 for Advisors with Private Room

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Student Program Areas

At KUNA, students will participate in one of the Program Areas listed below at the Assembly based on their grade and experience. These Program Areas align with the UN Principal Organs (PDF) and each area is led by Presiding and Supporting Officers, with a variety of Ambassador Roles available to participants:

UN General Assembly | HS & MS | All Students Eligible

The primary organ of the UN, and the largest program area at KUNA – Ambassadors research, write, and debate resolutions on international policy issues. Delegations can sponsor 1 resolution in the UN General Assembly for each country they are representing.

Secretariat Research Commission (SRC) - resolution sponsors will be able to meet with Presiding Officers over Zoom to get feedback on their resolutions and ensure they're in the correct format. All resolutions that meet proper formatting guidelines will be given the SRC Seal of Approval on their KUNA resolution in their conference resolution book! Resolutions must be submitted by the registration deadline to be eligible for the SRC seal. Register here (click here) for one of the Zoom Meetings:

  • Tuesday, January 28, 2025, from 5:30-6:30 PM EST
  • Tuesday, February 4, 2025, from 6:30-7:30 PM EST
  • Tuesday, February 11, 2025, from 5:30-6:30 PM EST
  • Tuesday, February 18, 2025, from 6:30-7:30 PM EST

Presiding Officers
President of United Nations General Assembly

Supporting Officers
Committee Chairs / Vice Presidents

Delegate Roles
Resolution Sponsors (1-4 per res.)

UN Security Council | HS & MS | Gr. 7-8, 10-12, 1 or 2* teams of 1-3 students per delegation

The UN Security Council is charged with the maintenance of international peace and security. At conference, each Security Council team will address 3 issues pertaining to international security in a specialized debate format. Teams will work together to draft and present resolutions. Teams will also participate in a Crisis Scenario, which is revealed at conference.

*Delegations may request two teams only if they are able to supply 4-6 students

Presiding Officers
President of United Nations Security Council

Supporting Officers
Director of Security Council Affairs

Delegate Roles
United Nations Security Council Representative (1 per country)

Intl. Court of Justice (ICJ) | HS Only | Gr. 10-12, 1 team of 1-3 students per delegation

A first-come, first-served program area that mediates disputes between UN member states and provides advice on issues relating to international law. Students will research and present pre-assigned case arguments

Presiding Officers
ICJ Presidents (2)

Supporting Officers
ICJ Members of the Court (4)
ICJ Registrar**

Delegate Roles
UNSC Rep. (1 per country)

** must be a 12th grader to register, ICJ experience preferred

UN Secretariat | HS & MS | Gr. 7-8, 10-12

The Secretariat serves as the executive branch and has an important role in setting the agenda and implementation of UN decision-making bodies. Students will advise the Presiding Officer team on policy and legal issues related to resolutions presented by the General Assembly.

Presiding Officers
Secretary General
Deputy Sec. General

Supporting Officers
Sec. Gen. Chief of Staff
Under-Secs.-Gen. (7)

Delegate Roles
NGO Representatives

Media Corps | HS Only | Gr. 10-12, 2* per delegation

Media delegates craft compelling news stories on important Assembly topics. Students can find themselves working in written journalism, social media, photo journalism, and broadcast journalism.

*Assistant Editors count toward a delegation's total Media Corps delegate number

Presiding Officers

Supporting Officers
Assistant Editor(s)

Delegate Roles
Media Delegates


Presiding Officers are Student Y members elected from candidates or chosen by their program area to serve as Assembly leadership. They are assisted by Supporting Officers to ensure that their respective Program Areas are running smoothly. All Officers are supported by YMCA professionals, advisors, alumni, and parent volunteers.

Students interested in running for an elected Presiding Officer position should visit the Candidate and Election page to declare and review guidelines in preparation for their campaigns.

All students interested in leadership positions are encouraged to attend the Leadership Training Conference June 2024. This conference allows students to engage with other students from around the state and grow their skills in relationship building, empathy, leadership, and community.

Representing Countries

Each delegation selects the country or countries they choose to represent on a first-come, first-served basis as part of the KUNA Registration process. Please review the country representation chart, linked below, to know how many countries your school can represent. Note that students in special programs do not count toward your total ambassador numbers (see chart for more information).

What Students Have to say ...

"Some of the greatest gifts you will receive will come from one of the most unexpected places. As a perfectionist, every homework assignment and every school project had to be near perfection. I spent hours on homework over the years, and while most of my elementary school and middle school years were manageable, I began to develop severe stress, anxiety, and depression. Things became harder to complete, I became uninterested in activities I once enjoyed, and most of all, I started distancing myself from others. Y conferences were something I decided to stick with however. The Y has given me something I never imagined I could receive: a second familY. With you guys, I’ve been able to truly express myself and show who I am. We, as a conference, are supportive of each other and teach each other lessons we may have not found elsewhere. You all are a gift, and a blessing to know."


"When I look back on my time at the Y it’s been both one of the most enlightening experiences and also one of the most humbling. I found that this was truly a place that accepts everyone for who they are and embraces the weird side of everyone and everything. I found that at Y-Conferences how to overcome loss and how to talk to people. I learned how to speak in front of huge crowds and how ideas become a law. I found out how to shape beliefs I have into tangible actions and how to shape the world around me. Even though this is all fake, it does truly lead to real change in the world, at least for me. These people around me, my PO (Presiding Officer) team have been some of my best friends. Through ups and downs we have done so well together. Thank you all."


"I walked into my first Y-Conference as a reserved, insecure, and guarded 13 year-old. I hesitated to raise my placard, and I shied away from socializing with those not from my delegation. However, all of this changed once I discovered the judicial program. I found a new confidence, a new passion, and a new perspective. I grew comfortable pushing my boundaries and, most importantly, being myself. I shed the barriers that constricted my stone-faced thirteen year-old self, and became a confident young woman who now knows her worth. I look back fondly on my conferences remembering the silly moments and all the fun I had. Opening up to new experiences can be difficult, and for me it definitely was, but I have gained so much by leaving my comfort zone. I had many moments of doubt and despair, but overcoming those has empowered me to sit up here and lead a conference with 7 of my closest friends."


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