Details for Registered Y-Corps Student

2024 Deadlines

Registration Opens
October 4, 2023

Service/Fundraising Deadline
June 17, 2024

50+ hrs reported on MobileServe

1st Year | $400+
2nd Year |  $600+
3rd/4th Year | $750+
Captains | $1,000+


Middle School Requirements:

25+ hrs reported on MobileServe

7th & 8th grade | $300+


Donations can be made on Give Lively

Online Resources

Health and Safety Protocols

Y-Corps COVID-19 Health & Safety Protocol

Passion Project Submission Form 

In addition to logging your Passion Project information in MobileServe, you are required to tell the story of your service. The online form can be found at the link below:

The Y-Corps Passion Project: Storytelling Your Service (FORM)

As with your service hours and fundraising goal, all mandatory Passion Project story submissions are due on June 3, 2024.


Y-Corps Service FAQ

Q. If I host/plan a fundraising event, do those hours count as service?
These do not count as direct/indirect service hours. While philanthropy is one of the types of service required for Y-Corps, the impact of your philanthropy is measured by your fundraising total, not the hours served. You are still getting Y-Corps recognition for the effort/hours you put in, but that recognition is demonstrated through your fundraising.

Q. Why are my service hours not yet approved on MobileServe?
Every few weeks, your Captains and/or Ricki Brooke will go through your hours to approve them. If for some reason your hours are not yet approved, it is likely you are in-between check-ins and they will be approved by the date of your next check-in!

Q. Do KUNA and KYA count for service hours?
 Beginning with Y-Corps 2018, we no longer recognize KYA and KUNA as direct or indirect service. Both are life-changing public service programs, but the goal is that you’ll take those lessons home and apply them to further service through programs like Y-Corps.

Q. What if my service hours are not approved?
In some cases, when your Captains and/or Ricki Brooke review your hours for approval, some hours may not be approved. There are several reasons this can happen, but here are the two most common:

  • Missing Supervisor Information – Please make sure your supervisor information is logged with your hours!
  • Hours Not Applicable – In some cases, your hours are not applicable to Y-Corps. This includes hours logged for school assignments, projects and performances that are part of your normal coursework or expectations for a class, or hours done for pay/salary.


Y-Corps Fundraising FAQ

If any question isn’t answered below, please email

Q. I received a Cash or Check donation, what do I do?
All Cash or Check donations must be mailed to the Kentucky YMCA using the Y-Corps Deposit Slip. You must fill out ALL of the donor information for each donation on the deposit slip. We will add the donation into your fundraising page once we receive your deposit slip. The IRS requires all non-profits to send donors a Contribution Receipt through the mail, so we need your help with this.

Q. I received a donation made out to me, not the KY YMCA, what do I do?
You can endorse the check to us by signing the back and writing “Payable to the KY YMCA” or by depositing it and mailing in a check from your account, while submitting all the original donor’s information on your deposit slip.

Q. Can I turn my cash donations into a single check before mailing?
Yes, but you MUST list each individual cash donation and donor information on your deposit slip, along with the check number that includes the donation. Please do NOT turn your cash donations into a online donation via a personal credit card, as this will create an error in our system.

Q. If a do a Fundraising Event, how do I record it on my deposit slip?
If possible, please bring copies of the Deposit Slip with you to your Fundraising Event. Ask anyone that gives to provide their donor information so we can send them a Contribution Receipt. If the fundraiser is anonymous, like a Penny Drive, Bake Sale, or Donation Jar with multiple small donations, this is the ONLY time that you would simply put the name of the fundraiser (ex: Tracy’s Y-Corps Bake Sale – $100) on the deposit slip without any donor information.

Q. If I do a fundraiser with other Y-Corps members, how do we report it?
Once you have your grand total, divide it evenly between participating Y-Corps members. If the donations are in cash, divide the cash and have each Y-Corps member submit it with a deposit slip. If you get a check from a business or organization that assisted with the fundraiser, submit the check with a deposit slip and indicate which Y-Corps members should receive an equal portion of the total.

Q. If a business or organization donates, how do I record it on the deposit slip?
If you have a donation that would like to be recognized as a business or organization (ex: Church Group, Rotary Club), you still must complete the information on the deposit slip. List the business/organization’s name and mailing address, and get an email address for someone in the business/organization.

Q. What do I need to know about the online donor fees?
For the first time ever, your donors have the option to cover the fees that are taken out by the online credit card processing system and website host for your fundraiser. When they choose to do this their intended gift amount comes in full to the KY YMCA. These gifts often show up as having an odd dollar amount rather than a flat dollar amount. The online fundraising system includes their “fee given” amount into your fundraising totals. We encourage you to keep track of all your donation amounts and try to ensure that without the “fee given” amounts that you are raising your Y-Corps goal. It is not a requirement to raise more than what your thermometer says, but simply an opportunity for you to raise as much as you can for the YMCA Scholarship Fund. If you have questions about this, you can reach out to Meghan Rouse.


Sick Policy

It is the policy of the Kentucky YMCA Youth Association that if a student gets sick more than twice, they will need to leave the conference.  If a Y staff member feels the two times were not related to food or nerves, then we recommend they go home, but it is overall the parent/guardian and Y Staff member’s decision.  At any time if a student has a fever they must be sent home.  If a student cannot be picked up immediately due to distance, the Y Staff will try to move them or their roommates to another room in order to not spread illness.

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